New York Jets Football Nail Art Ideas & Designs | Spirit Wear Nail Wraps

NFL Team Colors | New York Jets | Forest Green, Black & White

Introducing our Hunter Green, White & Black Football Nail Wrap Collection

If you're wondering what to wear when heading out to MetLife Stadium to cheer on the Jets look no further. Get the look of a professional manicure with our DIY nail wraps. Featuring football nail art in hunter green, white & black. Easy to apply and looks great on short or long nails. All of our designs are made to mix & match. Wear your favorite NFL team colors and represent New York in style!

Click here to view our entire collection of Football Nail Wraps

Hunter Green & White Nail Art Designs does not own any of the team, league or event logos/uniforms depicted within this site.  We do not have the power to grant usage rights to anyone. All team and league information, sports logos, sports uniforms and names contained within this site are properties of their respective leagues, teams, ownership groups and/or organizations.